Nine alumni from the Biology Study Program successfully passed the selection process for Civil Servant Candidates, which will take place in 2024. The Biology Department extends its congratulations and best wishes for success to these nine alumni, who have become candidates for the State Civil Apparatus in eight government agencies that align with the profile of graduates from the Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University. The eight alumni of the Biology Study Program, FMIPA Untan, and their respective agencies are as follows:
- Fadillah (Biology, Class of 2009) in the Kapuas Hulu Regency Agriculture Service.
- Donatus Tia Harfan (Biology, Class of 2013) at the Pontianak Plantation Plant Protection Center.
- Hilyadi Edstiv Bagayo (Biology, Class of 2013) at the Bengkayang Regency Fisheries Service.
- Nurul Afzan Hilda Zakiyya (Biology, Class of 2014) at the Center for Development of Quality Assurance for Vocational Education in the Field of Agriculture, under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.
- Mela (Biology, Class of 2018) at Food, Agriculture, and Plantation Service of Bengkayang Regency.
- Muhammad Sunariya (Biology, Class of 2018) at the Pontianak Plantation Plant Protection Center.
- Marsianus Martin Rivaldy (Biology, Class of 2018) at Kayan Mentarang National Park in North Kalimantan.
- Arini Miftahul Jannah (Biology, Class of 2019) at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University.
- Arini Miftahul Jannah (Biology, Class of 2019) at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine at Tanjungpura University.
Hopefully, the nine alumni who successfully passed the selection for the Prospective State Civil Apparatus will enhance the performance of their respective agencies. They will represent the Biology Department at FMIPA Untan in society and contribute positively to the community, the surrounding environment, and the nation.