No SMT Type Code MK Name MK Total SKS RPS Material References
1 1 Mandatory MKWU-4 Bahasa Indonesia 2 Show

Academic Texts in Macro Genre; Exploring the World of Literature; Designing Research Proposals and Activity Proposals; Reporting Research Results and Activity Results; Scientific Articles.

  1. kemenristek, 2016, Modul Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Dirjen Belmawa Kemenristek, Jakarta
  2. Awaluddin, 2017, Pengantar Bahasa Indonesia untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Penerbit Deepublish, Yogyakarta
  3. D. A. Lindayani, dkk. 2017. Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Matakuliah Dasar Umum. Gramedia, Jakarta
2 1 Mandatory MKWU 1 Agama (Religion) 3 Show


The Concept of the Ideal Man in Islam: The Role of Religion in Ensuring Happiness. Integrating Faith, Islam, and Ihsan in the Formation of an Exemplary Individual. Cultivating a Qur'anic Personality. Establishing the Foundations of Islam in Indonesia. The Unifying Force of Islam in a Diverse Society. Islam's Response to the Challenges of Modernization. The Contributions of Islam to the Advancement of Global Civilization. The Role and Function of Campus Mosques in the Promotion of Islamic Culture.

Protestant Christianity

The role of religion in human existence, the concept of God within Christian doctrine, the understanding of humanity as presented in Christian teachings, the principles of ethics and the development of Christian character, the interplay between Christian faith and the domains of science, technology, and art, the promotion of harmony among religious communities, the stewardship of God's creation, and the principles of effective socialization.


The understanding of individuals who hold a belief in God through Christ within the context of the Church involves their participation in communal worship and social interactions, which contribute to the development of personal attitudes and mentalities.


The framework and contents of the Holy Book Tipitaka (Tripitaka) encompass various themes central to Buddhist teachings. These include the meaning and purpose of human life as derived from these teachings, the role of universal Buddhist law in everyday life, and the interpretation of the concept of an Almighty God within the context of Buddhism. Furthermore, moral values and norms (Sila) serve as the foundational principles and guiding patterns for ethical living. The interplay between science and art is also explored, highlighting their harmonious coexistence in life. Additionally, the concept of a Buddhist society is examined, particularly in relation to fostering interfaith harmony. The dynamics of Buddhist culture and politics are analyzed within the framework of Indonesian nationality. Finally, the practice of Bhavana is emphasized as a means to cultivate a pure and virtuous mind in individuals.


The Development of a Humanistic Personality Framework for Students: The Influence of Hinduism's Historical Evolution on Positive Learning Outcomes. The Significance of Brahmavidya (theology) in Fostering Sraddha and Bhakti (Faith and Piety) Among Students. The Contribution of Vedic Studies to Students' Comprehension of the Vedas as a Sacred Text and Legal Foundation. The Concept of the Ideal Hindu Individual in Shaping Students into Leaders who are Law-abiding, Healthy, Creative, and Adaptive. The Impact of Hindu Moral Teachings on the Ethical Development of Hindu Students. The Role of Religious Art in Cultivating an Aesthetic Sensibility. The Pursuit of Harmony in Accordance with Hindu Principles. Strategies for Enhancing Social Awareness in Alignment with Hindu Teachings. 


The Purpose of Human Life and the Afterlife: The Importance of Integrating Faith, Belief, Unity, and Prostration in the Development of a Virtuous Individual. An Examination of the Confucian Concept of Diversity in Religious Practices and Its Contributions to the Evolution of World Civilization. The Significance and Necessity of Confucian Religious and Spiritual Values. Sources and Applications of Confucian Teachings within the Context of Modernity and Indonesian Identity. An Analysis of Science and Technology, Politics, Socio-Cultural Dynamics, Economics, Environmental Issues, and Education from a Confucian Perspective. The Role and Function of Confucian Student Activities as a Hub for the Advancement of Confucian Culture.

  1. Al Qur’an Al Karim and Al Qur’an CD: Holy Qur’an
  2. Al Hadith and Al Hadith CD: Kutub Al Tis’ah, Al Bayan Publisher
  3. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. 2016. Islamic Religious Education Module for Higher Education. Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Jakarta
  4. Ali, Mukti. No year. Understanding Islam. PT Bulan Bintang. Jakarta
  5. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. 2016. Christian Religious Education Module for Higher Education. Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Jakarta
  6. Ariarajah, Wesley. 1989. The Bible and People of Other Beliefs. BPK Gunung Mulia. Jakarta
  7. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. 2016. Christian Religious Education Module for Higher Education. Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Jakarta
  8. Go Piet, Ocarm.2007. Interfaith and Belief Relations. KWI Documentation. Jakarta
  9. Harjawiyata, Frans.OCSO (ed.). 1998.Jesus and the Situation of His Time. Yogyakarta: Kanisius
  10. Ismartono, I., S.J. 1993. Catholic Religious Lectures. Obor. Jakarta
  11. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. 2016. Buddhist Religious Education Module for Higher Education. Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Jakarta
  12. Ekayana. 1995. Science and Buddha Dharma. Karaniya. Jakarta
  13. Jinarakkhita, A. 1992. Meditation for Buddhist Religious Higher Education. Vajra Dharma Nusantara. Jakarta
  14. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. 2016. Hindu Religious Education Module for Higher Education. Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta
  15. Compiler Team. 2012. Hindu Religious Education for General Higher Education, Directorate General of Hindu Community Guidance. Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
3 1 Mandatory MKWU 2 Pancasila 2 Show

This study explores the rationale and methodology behind the instruction of Pancasila Education in universities. It examines the role of Pancasila within the context of Indonesian historical studies, emphasizing its significance as the State Philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, the discussion encompasses Pancasila as the State Ideology, its function as a philosophical system, its application as an ethical framework, and its importance as the foundational basis for the values underpinning scientific development.

  1. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. 2016. Pancasila Education Module for Higher Education. Jakarta: Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
  2. Ali, As’ad Said. 2009. Pancasila State, the Path to National Welfare. Jakarta: Pustaka LP3ES.
  3. Bakry, Noor Ms. 2010. Pancasila Education. Pustaka Pelajar: Yogyakarta.
  4. Kaelan, 2013, Pancasila Nation State: Cultural, Historical, Philosophical, Legal and Actualization. Yogyakarta: Paradigma Publisher
4 1 Mandatory MPB 1100 Biologi Umum (Biology) 4 Show

Fundamental concepts related to life sciences, including the structure and function of cells, the cell cycle, and principles of genetics. It also encompasses essential topics in evolution, as well as the systematics of both animal and plant species. Furthermore, it addresses the anatomical and physiological aspects of plant and animal reproduction, growth, and coordination systems. Key processes such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis are discussed, along with the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems in animals. Lastly, the document includes an overview of ecological principles.

  1. Campbell, NA, Reece, JB, Urry, LA, Cain, ML, & Wasserman, SA, Biologi, Jilid 1, 2, dan 3 , edisi 12 , alih bahasa Wulandari, TD,  2020, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
  2. Johnsoggayer, WH, Laubenggayer, RA, & Delany, LE, 2000, General Biology, Holt Rinehort and Winston, New York.
  3. Storer, TI & Usinger , RL, 1995, General Biology, Mc.Graw Hill Pub.Company, Ltd.
  4. Simpson, GG & Bech, WS, 1995, An introduction to Biology, Brace and Word, St. Louis
5 1 Mandatory MPU 101 Matematika Dasar (Mathematics) 3 Show

This course provides an overview of fundamental mathematical concepts, including number systems, inequalities, absolute values, functions, limits, continuity, and derivatives, along with their applications in optimization problems. The primary focus of the course is on computational techniques.

  1. Anton H: Elementary Linear Algebra, 1994; Edisi ketujuh; John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  2. Anton H and Rorres, C.: Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version, Eight Edition,2000; John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
6 1 Mandatory MPU 103 Fisika Dasar (Physic) 3 Show

This study encompasses fundamental concepts in physics and measurement, including the principles of motion vectors across one, two, and three dimensions. It addresses Newton's laws of motion and their practical applications, as well as the concepts of work and energy, linear momentum, and collisions. Additionally, it explores the rotation of rigid bodies about a fixed axis, angular momentum, and the momentum of force. The equilibrium of rigid bodies, harmonic vibrations, and the universal law of gravitation are also discussed. Furthermore, the text covers fluid and solid mechanics, wave motion, the superposition of sound waves, and standing waves. It examines temperature, thermal expansion, and the behavior of ideal gases, alongside the principles of heat and the first law of thermodynamics. The kinetic theory of gases, heat engines, entropy, and the second law of thermodynamics are also integral components of this overview.

  1. Halliday, D., Resnick, R., dan Jearl Walker, J., 2014, 'Fundamental of Physics'. John Wiley and Sons, 10th ed, New York
  2. Giancoli, D.C., 2014, 'Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Pearson Education, 4th ed, London.
7 1 Mandatory MPU 105 Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi 2 Show

This study addresses various aspects of computer technology, including the types and development of computer devices, the historical evolution of computer systems, and the fundamental components that constitute these systems. It further explores the operational mechanisms of computer systems, encompassing input, output, and storage processes, as well as the distinction between data and information. Additionally, it covers writing techniques utilizing office applications, provides an introduction to the internet, and discusses the use of email, mailing lists, and e-learning platforms. The document also examines cloud storage solutions, file management practices, and the creation and customization of blogs.

  1. Turban E., Leidner, D. McLean, E. and Wetherbe, J. 2005. Information Technology for Management: Transformating Organizations in the Digital Economy, 5th edition. John Willey & Sons, Inc. Indoanapolis
  2. Brian K. Williams, Stacey C. Sawyer, 2007. “Using Information Technology”, 7th, McGraw-Hill.
  3. Siarto E., 2010. Head First WordPress. O’Reilly. Sebastopol.
8 1 Mandatory MPU 109 Kimia Dasar (Basic Chemistry) 3 Show

The topics encompass atomic structure, the evolution of the periodic table of elements, stoichiometry, molecular structure, states of matter, chemical energetics, chemical equilibrium, solutions, the solubility and equilibrium of complex ions, solubility and solubility products, colloids, redox concepts, nuclear chemistry, and carbon compounds.

  1. Brady, J.E. dan J.R. Holum. 1988. Fundamental of Chemistry. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  2. Mahan B.M. and R.J. Mayers. 1987.University Chemistry. The Benyamin Cumming Publishing Company, Inc.
  3. Brady, J.E. 1990. General Chemistry Principles and Stucture. The Wiley and Sons.
9 2 Mandatory MKWU 3 Kewarganegaraan 2 Show

The rationale for incorporating citizenship education into university curricula is multifaceted. It encompasses the significance and immediacy of national identity as a critical determinant of national development and character. Furthermore, national urgency serves as a vital parameter for fostering national unity. The constitutional values and norms enshrined in statutory provisions under the Constitution are essential components of the obligations and rights of the state and citizens in a democracy that is based on the sovereignty of the people and deliberation for consensus; the nature, instrumentation and practice of Indonesian democracy based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution; Historical dynamics of constitutional, socio-political, cultural and contemporary contexts of law enforcement that are just; Historical dynamics and urgency of the archipelago insight as a collective conception and view of Indonesian nationality in the context of world relations; the urgency and challenges of national resilience and national defense for Indonesia in building a collective commitment to nationality; Project citizen for citizenship education courses.

  1. Kemenristekdikti. 2016. Modul Pendidikan Kewargnegaraan Untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta: Dirjen Belmawa Kemenristekdikti
  2. Budimansyah, D (Ed). 2006. Pendidikan Nilai Moral dalam Dimensi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Bandung: Laboratorium PKN FPIPS UPI.
  3. Pasha, MK. 2008. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education). Yogyakarta. Citra Karsa Mandiri.
  4. Sunarso, dkk. 2006. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Yogyakarta: UNY Press.
10 2 Mandatory MPB 1200 Bahasa Inggris (English) 3 Show

English is tailored to intermediate and pre-advanced levels, with a particular emphasis on the comprehension of scientific texts. The curriculum prioritizes the expansion of vocabulary and expressions in English to the greatest extent possible. Sentence structure and grammar are aligned with the requirements of scientific reading. The program aims to enhance English language proficiency through reading and pronunciation exercises, grammatical correction, vocabulary enrichment, and the understanding of idiomatic expressions. Additionally, there is a concentrated effort to address and rectify common errors in language usage.

  1. Azar BS, 1999. Understanding dan Using English Grammar, Third Edition. Longman. New York.
  2. Pearson, I. 1978. English in focus, English in Biological Science. Teachers edition.Oxford University Press.
  3. Pechenik JA, 2013. A Short Guide to Writing about Biology, Eighth Edition. Pearson. Boston
11 2 Mandatory MPK 1201 Kimia Organik 2 Show

This study provides an overview of carbon compounds, including long-chain compounds and cyclic compounds. It will also discuss aromatic compounds, protein compounds, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, vitamins, and enzymes.

  1. Fessenden, R. J. Fessenden, J. S., 1994, Organic Chemistry, 5thed., Brooks Cole
  2. Morrison, R. T. Boyd, R. N., 1983, Organic Chemistry, 4thed., Allyn & Bacon.
  3. Solomons, T. W. G. and Fryhle, C. 2007. Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York
  4. Stoker, H.S., 2007, General, Organic and Biological Chemistry, fourth ed., Houghton Mifflin Company, USA.
12 2 Mandatory MPB 1204 Morfologi & Anatomi Tumbuhan 4 Show

The study of plant morphology encompasses various aspects, including leaf morphology, stem morphology, root morphology, flower morphology, fruit morphology, and seed morphology. Additionally, it involves the examination of plant anatomy, which includes primary and secondary stem anatomy, periderm anatomy, primary and secondary root anatomy, as well as flower, fruit, and seed anatomy.

  1. Tjitrosoepomo, G. 1988. Morfologi Tumbuhan. Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. Yogyakarta
  2. Hidayat, E. 1991.  Anatomi Tumbuhan Berbiji. Penerbit Ganesha. Bandung
  3. Suradinata, T.  1999. Struktur Tumbuhan. Penerbit Ganesha.  Bandung.
13 2 Mandatory MPB 1205 Anatomi Hewan 3 Show

The integumentary system encompasses the general functions and structural characteristics of the skin, including the integument of fish, which consists of both epidermal and dermal derivatives, as well as the integument of tetrapods, characterized by its epidermal derivatives. The skeletal system is described in terms of its general functions and includes the components of the skull, vertebral column, vertebral structure, ribs, sternum, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, and fin limbs, along with the various types of joints. The muscular system is examined with respect to the function and structure of skeletal muscles, as well as the arrangement and classification of significant muscle types. The digestive system is outlined, detailing its general structure, including the oral cavity, digestive tract, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The respiratory system is discussed in relation to aquatic animals, highlighting the roles of skin, gills, swim bladders in fish, and lungs in tetrapods. The circulatory system is addressed, focusing on blood and blood-forming tissues, blood circulation, and the general structure of the heart, blood vessels, and lymph vessels. The excretory system is described, emphasizing the kidneys and their excretory ducts, along with the general structure of the kidneys. The gynecological system is examined, including the gonads, male and female genital tracts, accessory organs, copulatory organ structure, and gonadal structure. The nervous system and sensory organs are analyzed, detailing the structure and components of the nervous system, including the spinal cord, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and the structure of the brain and sensory organs. Finally, the endocrine system is discussed in terms of the structure and function of endocrine glands, as well as the concept of neurosecretion.

  1. Radiopoetra. 1975. Zoologi. Fakultas Biologi. UGM. Yogyakarta
  2. Elliot, 1979. Guide for Zoology.4th edition. Burgess Publ. Co. New York
  3. Parker and Haswell. 1977. A Text Book of Zoology. 9th edition. Mc.Millan&Co London
  4. Sisson and Grossman. 1969.The Anatomy of Domestic Animals. 7th edition. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia
  5. Storer and Ussinger. 1987. General Zoology. 7th Edition. Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company Inc. New York
  6. Weichert. 1975. Anatomy of The Chordates, third edition. Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company Inc. New York
14 2 Mandatory MPB 2107 Sistematika Mikroba 3 Show

This study provides an overview of systematics, taxonomy, and the classification of microorganisms. It encompasses various classification methodologies, including numerical-phenetic classification, chemical classification (chemotaxonomy), and molecular-phylogenetic classification. Additionally, it addresses the principles of nomenclature, microbial identification, and the diversity of bacteria, archaea, and fungi. Furthermore, the significance of culture collections and international databases in the study of microbial systematics is discussed.

  1. Goodfellow, M. 2000. Microbial Systematics: Background and Users. In Applied Microbial Systematics (F.G. Priest & M. Goodfellow, Eds.). Kluwer Academic Pubisher.
  2. Kendrick, B. 2000. The Fifth Kingdom. Third edition. Focus Publishing R. Pullins Company.
15 2 Mandatory MPB 2108 Biologi Lahan Basah 2 Show

Introduction: terminology, limitations, classification and scope; Economic benefits: benefits as biological resources, energy producers, transportation and ecotourism; Ecological functions: wetlands as habitats, regulators of hydrological functions, prevention of natural disasters (mitigation), and other wetland attributes (social, cultural, educational and research); Ecological factors: climatic, physiographic, edaphic (soil) and biotic factors; Ecological processes: geomorphological and hydrological processes; Wetland systems: marine area system, estuarine area system, palustrine area system, riverine area system; Biotic and abiotic factors, flora and fauna typical of wetlands.

  1. Nirarita. Endah CH., Prianto, W., Shanty, S., Djupri, P., Kusmarini., Mohammad, S., Yeni, H., Kusmiansih dan Lidia, S., 1996, Ekosistem Lahan Basah di Indonesia., buku panduan untuk guru dan praktisi pendidikan. Wetland International – Canada Fund
  2. Bengen, D.G., 2001. Pedoman Teknis Pengenalan dan Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove. Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
16 2 Mandatory MPB 2112 Biostatistika I 2 Show

This study provides a comprehensive overview of statistics, with a particular emphasis on biostatistics and relevant statistical terminology. It covers the classification of data and the construction of frequency distributions, as well as the presentation of biometric data. The section on central tendency includes discussions of the mean, median, and mode. Additionally, it addresses numerical measures of variability and dispersion, along with hypothesis testing techniques, including T-tests, Z-tests, F-tests, chi-square tests, regression analysis, correlation, proportion and frequency analysis, as well as principal component analysis (PCA) and the R test.

  1. Walpole, R. E. 1990. Pengantar Statistika. Indonesia: Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
  2. Whitlock, M. S. 2013. The Analysis of Biological Data. Amerika Serikat: MacMillan Learning.
  3. Zar, J. H. 1999. Biostatistical Analysis: Prentice Hall.
17 3 Mandatory MPB 2106 Biokimia (Biochemistry) 3 Show

The Biochemistry course covers fundamental principles of biochemistry, including topics such as water and buffers, the structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, as well as enzymes. It also explores carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism, lipid metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism, and the interplay between primary and secondary metabolism.

  1. Moran,LA. Horton, HR, Scrimqeour, KG &
    Perry, MD, 2011, Principles of Biochemistry, 5th ed , Pearson: Illinous,
  2. Yohanes, N, 2013, Biokimia Dasar , Penerbit Rekayasa Sains, Bandung.
18 3 Mandatory MPB 2109 Embriogenesis Tumbuhan 2 Show

The study of plant reproduction encompasses various components, including flowers, microsporangium, male gametophyte, megasporangium, female gametophyte, pollination and fertilization, endosperm, embryo, apomixis, and seeds. Additionally, it is essential to explore the relationship between embryology and taxonomy, as well as the significance of embryological research in understanding plant development.

  1. Bojwani, S. S & S. P. Bhatnagar. 1979. The Embryology of Angiosperms. 3rd Bavised Edition. Jhilmil Tahirpur Industrial Area, Shahdara, Delhi.
  2. Evert, R. F. 2006. Esau’s Plant Anatomy Meristems, Cells, and Tissue of The Plant Body: Their structure, function, and development. Third Edition. A Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, New Jersey.
  3. Fahn, A. 1990. Plant Anatomy. Fourth Edition. Pergamon Press. Oxford. New York.
  4. Lersten, N. R. 2004. Flowering Plant Embryology whith Emphasis on Economic Species. Blackwell Publishing IOWA, USA.
19 3 Mandatory MPB 2110 Histologi (Histology) 3 Show

The microscopic and histophysiological composition of various tissue types, including epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue, is essential for understanding their functions. Additionally, an examination of the blood circulation system and lymphatic system, as well as the endocrine system, digestive system, respiratory system, urogenital system, and integumentary system.

  1. Eroschenko, V.P. 2012. Atlas of Histology. DiFiore.Lippincott Wolter Kluwer
  2. Junquiera, L.C and J. Carneiro. 2007. Histologi Dasar: Teks dan Atlas. Edisi 3. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC
  3. Ross M.H. & Pawlina W. 2011. Histology A Text and Atlas. Edisi keenam. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
20 3 Mandatory MPB 2111 Genetika (Genetics) 4 Show

The study of genetics encompasses various fundamental concepts, including Mendel's experiments, patterns of autosomal inheritance, the role of sex chromosomes in sex determination and sex-linked inheritance, and the analysis of pedigrees. Additionally, it involves understanding the processes of mitosis and meiosis, gene interactions, chromosome linkage and mapping, as well as alterations in chromosome structure and number, such as euploidy, aneuploidy, deletion, duplication, inversion, and translocation. Furthermore, the inheritance of cytoplasmic genes, the nature of genetic material, the structure of DNA, and the processes of DNA replication, transcription, translation, and regulation of gene expression are critical components of genetic research.

  1. Griffith AJF, Wessler SR, Lewontin RC, Gelbart WM, Suzuki DT, Miller JH. 2005. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis Eighth Edition. WH Freeman & Co.
  2. Pierce BA. 2009. Genetics: A Conceptual Approach Third Edition. WH Freeman and Company.
21 3 Mandatory MPB 2213 Biostatistika II 2 Show

This study outlines fundamental principles and various types of experimental design, as well as the analysis of variance. It discusses parametric statistical methods, their limitations, and their applicability within the field of biology. Key concepts include the distinction between populations and samples, the identification of parameters and variables, and the presentation of data. Additionally, it covers probability theory, methodologies for sampling, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. The analysis of variance is examined in the context of single-factor experimental design and factorial designs, along with a comparison of treatment means. Furthermore, the document addresses regression analysis, correlation, and non-parametric statistical methods.

  1. Clewer, A.G. dan Scarisbrick, D.H. (2001). Practical Statistics and Experimental Design for Plant and Crop Science. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  2. Hanafiah, K.A. (2004). Rancangan Percobaan. Teori dan Aplikasi (Ed. 3). Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
  3. Lazic, S. (2016). Experimental Design for Laboratory Biologists: Maximising Information and Improving Reproducibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
22 3 Mandatory MPB 2214 Sistematika Cryptogamae 3 Show

This study provides an overview of the fundamental principles of plant classification, systematics, and phylogeny. It encompasses the identification, determination, and nomenclature of various plant groups. The characteristics, vegetative forms, reproductive methods, and life cycles of the following taxa are discussed: Schizophyta, which includes Bacteria and Cyanophyta; Phycophyta, comprising Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Bacillariophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta; Fungi, represented by Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Lichens; and Bryophyta, which includes Musci, Hepaticae, and Anthocerotae. Additionally, the document addresses Pteridophyta, specifically Lycopodine, Equisetae, and Filicinae. The diversity and phylogenetic relationships among these taxa are examined. Furthermore, it outlines methods for collection, preservation of specimens, and the creation of herbariums.

  1. Smith, I.G.M. 1955. Cryptogamic Botany I dan II, Mc. Graw Hill. New York.
  2. Vashista, B.R.1978.Botany For Degree Student Part I. Algae. S.Chand Company Ltd.New Delhi.
  3. Alexopoulus, G.J and C.M. Mims. 1979. Introductory Mycology 3rd. John Willey. New York.
  4. Bold, H.C. 1980. Morphology of Mushroom and Fungi. 4th ed. John Willey. New York.
23 3 Mandatory MPB 2215 Sistematika Avertebrata 3 Show

This study outlines the scope of animal taxonomy, focusing on the fundamental principles of invertebrate animal classification. It addresses the essential aspects of invertebrate specimen collection and management. Additionally, it examines the characteristics of classification and ecological considerations pertaining to the following phyla: Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Echinodermata. An introduction to other invertebrate animal phyla is also provided.

  1. Brusca & Brusca, 1990. Invertebrates. Sinaeur Pub.
  2. Hegner, I.R. and W.J.G. Engemann. 1988. Invertebrata Zoology. Mac.Millan. New York.
  3. Kotpal, S.K., Agarwal and R.P. Phetarpal. 1981. Modern Textbook for Zoology R.L. Invertebrates. Rastogi Publications. New Delhi.
  4. Mayr, E. & Ashlock PD. 1991. Principles of Systematic Zoology. McGraw-Hill.
24 3 Elective MPB 2233 Etnobotani 2 Show

The significance of various branches of botany is underscored by their relationship to plants that produce fibers. This includes an exploration of the historical context, optimal growing conditions, types of fibers, and their applications. Additionally, examples of relevant plants and their respective growing conditions are provided. The discussion extends to forest-derived plants, focusing on wood and cork, as well as the process of wood distillation and its results, manufacture of wood publ; tannins and dyes: physical and chemical properties, sources of tannins tree bark, wood leaves, fruit roots. Examples of plants and growing conditions, ink, dyes and pigments: plant sources and examples, Gum and resin chemical and physical properties, types, examples of plants and growing conditions, rubber and latex products; essential oils in industry, growth substances; Fats and waxes: types of plant fat oils, examples of plants and growing conditions, vegetable fats; sugar and flour; Medicinal plants; Plants producing food sources.

  1. Martin, G., J., 2004. Ethnobotany. A methods manual. Earthscan, Routledge, London.
25 3 Elective MPB 2179 Bioetika (Bioethics) 2 Show

The scope of this study including of philosophy encompasses various domains, including ethics and morals, as well as the definitions and historical development of bioethics. Key principles of bioethics articulated by Beauchamp and Childress include respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Additionally, the Belmont Report outlines fundamental bioethical principles such as respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. The application of bioethics extends to animal research, where the principles of replacement, reduction, and refinement are emphasized. Furthermore, bioethics plays a critical role in the utilization of stored biological materials, as outlined in biobanking practices. In the realm of biotechnology, the concept of biosecurity is paramount. Bioethics also intersects with biodiversity and environmental conservation efforts, as well as scientific writing. Finally, the function of ethics commissions is integral to the oversight and guidance of ethical practices in these various fields.

  1. Kusmaryanto CB. 2022. Bioetika Fundamental. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.
  2. De Boo J., and Hendriksen C. 2005. Reduction Strategies in Animal Research: A Review of Scientific Approaches at the Intra-experimental, Supra-experimental and Extra-experimental Levels. Atla Journal 33: 369-377
  3. Choi T., Choi T., Lee Y., Choe S., Kim C. 2021. Zebrafish as an animal model for biomedical research. Experimental & Molecular Medicine 53:310-31
26 3 Elective MPB 3257 Mikologi 3 Show

Definition and scope of mycology; The importance of fungi in life: fungi; Biology and general characteristics of fungi: vegetative & reproductive; Growth and ecology of fungi; Classification of fungi: microscopic and macroscopic; basics and techniques of fungal research.

  1. Alexopulos, C.J. & C.W. Mims, dan M. Blaxkwell. 1996. Introductory Mycology. John Wiley & Sons. New York
  2. Bryce Kendrick, B. 1990. The Fifth Kingdom. Univ. Waterloo Press. Waterloo
27 3 Elective MPB 2183 Bakteriologi 3 Show

Scope of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Introduction to bacteriology. Introduction, preparation and use of tools. Control of bacterial growth in the environment, Nutrition and metabolism of bacterial cells. Bacterial cell growth. Sampling techniques, isolation and inoculation of bacteria. Factors that affect bacterial growth. Bacterial enumeration. Bacterial identification.

Rohilla A., 2010, Handbook of bacteriology, Oxford Book Co, Jaipur

28 3 Elective MPB 2185 SIG Biologi 3 Show

This study provides an overview of the concepts and definitions associated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It explores the applications of GIS within the field of biology, introduces the programming language R and the integrated development environment RStudio, and discusses essential topics such as map projections and datums. Additionally, it addresses various GIS data types and formats, evaluates GIS data quality, and examines the role of Global Positioning Systems (GPS). The document further delves into vector and raster analysis, the application of remote sensing in biological research, and the methodologies involved in species distribution modeling.

  1. Prahasta, E. 2009. Sistem Informasi Geografis: Konsep-konsep Dasar Perspektif Geodesi dan Geomatika. Bandung: Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika.
  2. MacLeod, C.D. 2015. GIS For Biologists: A Practical Introduction for Undergraduates. Glasgow: Pictish Beast Publications.
  3. Guisan, A., Thuiller, W., and Zimmermann, N.E. 2017. Habitat Suitability and Distribution Models with Applications in R. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  4. Zurell, D, et al., 2020. A standard protocol for reporting species distribution models. Ecography. doi:10.1111/ecog.04960.
  5. Hijmans, RJ, et al. 2020. Package ‘dismo’.
  6. Phillips, SJ, Dudík, M & Schapire, RE 2017. Maxent software for modelling species niches and distribution. 3.4.1 ed.
29 3 Elective MPB 2286 Radiobiologi 2 Show

The study of radiation encompasses several key areas, including the fundamentals of radiation physics, the interaction of radiation with matter, dosimetry, and the use of radiation measuring instruments. It is essential to understand methods for controlling radiation exposure and the safe handling of radioisotopes. Additionally, the principles underlying the autoradiography process, the potential hazards of radiation to human health, and the techniques for the transportation of radioactive substances are critical components of this field. Furthermore, it is important to be aware of the regulatory provisions governing the use of radioactive materials and the diverse applications of isotopes across various disciplines.

  1. Alatas Zubaidah, Rismiyanto, et al. 2000. Buku Pintar Nuklir. BATAN. Jakarta.
  2. IAEA. 1973. Radiation Protection Procedures. Safeti Series no. 38. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna
  3. Wang. C.H., Willis, W.D. Loveland. 1975. Radiotracer Methodology in biologycal environmental and physicaal science. Prentice Hall
  4. Vose. P.B.1980. Introduction to nuclear techniques in agronomy and plant biology. Pergamon-Oxford
  5. Amsyari, F. 1989. Radiasi dosis rendah dan pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan. Airlangga.Surabaya.
30 3 Elective MPB 2267 Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah 2 Show

This course provides an overview of the definition of waste and the scope of waste processing technologies. It examines the potential hazards associated with various types of waste, categorized by their physical forms—liquid, solid, and gaseous. The course also explores the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of liquid waste, as well as the established quality standards and criteria for water and waste. Additionally, it covers methods for the physical, chemical, and biological processing of liquid, solid, and gaseous waste, along with the implementation of waste processing projects. 

  1. Hindarko, S. 2003. Mengolah Air Limbah Supaya Tidak Mencemari Orang Lain. Penerbit ESHA, Jakarta.
  2. Pruss, A., E, Giroult dan P, Rushbrook. 2005. Pengelolaan Aman Limbah Layanan Kesehatan. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, Jakarta.
  3. Armus, R. Mukrim, M.I.,  Pasanda E., Tangio, J., Mahyati, Marzuki I.,  Erni, M., Syahrir, M., Mastutie, F. 2022. Dasar- Dasar Proses Pengolahan Limbah. Yayasan Kita Menulis, Medan.
31 4 Mandatory MPB 1203 Biologi Sel dan Molekuler 2 Show

This course provides an overview of fundamental concepts related to cell theory, including the structure and function of cells, with a particular emphasis on the distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It covers essential cellular components, beginning with the primary macromolecules, and explores the structure and function of membranes, cell walls, cytoplasm, organelles, and endomembrane systems. Additionally, the course examines transport mechanisms within cells and their permeability, as well as the structure, function, and biogenesis of various organelles, including the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, plastids, mitochondria, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. The curriculum also addresses the nucleus, focusing on the processes of DNA replication and protein synthesis. Furthermore, the course investigates the processes of mitosis and meiosis, along with intercellular communication.

  1. Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, and Walter P. 2002. Moleculer Biology of the Cell Fourth Edition. Garland Publishing Inc. New York.
  2. Issoegianti, S.M.R. 1993. Biologi Sel. UGM Press. Yogyakarta.
  3. Karp G. 2010. Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
32 4 Mandatory MPB 2216 Embriologi Hewan 3 Show

This study provides a comprehensive overview of embryology, including its definition and historical context. It examines the female reproductive system, detailing the structure and function of the female reproductive organs, the ovarian cycle in relation to reproductive function, hormonal regulation of the ovaries, and external factors influencing the female reproductive system. Additionally, it addresses the male reproductive system and the processes of gametogenesis, specifically oogenesis and spermatogenesis. The text further explores fertilization, including theories and planes of cleavage. Blastulation and Gastrulation. Tubulation and Neurulation. Organogenesis: formation of various organs in the system. Extraembryonic membranes. Molecular embryology: molecular strategies in development and genomes in embryogenesis.

  1. Baslinsky, B.I. 1981. Introduction to Embryology. 4 th ed. W.B. Saunders. Co. London.
  2. Carlson, B.M. 1981. Patten’s Foundations of Embryology. 4th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi.
  3. Kalthoff, K. 1996. Analysis of Biological Development. McGraw-Hill. New York.
  4. Arrey, L.B. 1983. Development Anatomy. W.B. Saunders Co. New York.
  5. McLachlan, J. 1996. Medical Embryology. Addison-Wesley Publising Co. New York.
  6. Glover, D.M and B.D. Hames. 1989. Genes and Embryos. IRL. Press. Oxford.
  7. Muller, W.A. 1997. Development Biology. Springer. New York.
33 4 Mandatory MPB 2217 Fisiologi Mikroba 2 Show

This study discusses the physiological processes in microorganisms, focusing on the concepts, structures, and functions of these entities, as well as their metabolic pathways. It provides an introduction to the structure and function of organelles, the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, as well as nitrogen metabolism. Additionally, it addresses aspects of microbial growth, dormancy, and genetics.

  1. Brock, TD and Madigan, MT.2000. Biology of Microorganisms. Prentice Hall. New Jersey
  2. Caldwell, DR. 1995. Microbial Physiology. Westland Co. USA
  3. Dawes J and Sutherland JW. 1992. Microbial Physiology. Cambridge Univ. Press. UK. London
  4. Moat, AG and Foster, JM. 2001. Microbial Physiology. Third edition. John Willey and Sons. Singapore.
34 4 Mandatory MPB 2218 Mikroteknik 3 Show

This study concerning about preparation of various microscopic specimens from both preserved and fresh animal specimens involves several critical steps. This includes addressing section constraints and implementing appropriate solutions, as well as preparing specimens in accordance with system specifications. Histochemical methods, photography, and an introduction to microscopy are essential components of this process. Additionally, micrometric and microchemical techniques are employed. The collection of materials and fixation procedures for plant specimens, along with staining techniques, dehydration, infiltration, and mounting, are also integral to the preparation process. Various preparation methods such as whole mounts, smears, squashes, and pollen preparations are utilized, alongside maceration and sectioning techniques, which may be either embedding or non-embedding.

  1. Johansen, D.E. 1940. Plant Microtechnique. Tata mc. Graw-Hill.New York.
  2. Sass, J.E. 1971. Botanical Microtechnique. The Iowa State University Press. Iowa.
  3. Susilo Handara. 1993. Metode Pewarnaan. Bharata Karya Aksara. Jakarta.
  4. Gray, P. 1984. The Microtomst’s Formulary and Guide. The Blakiston Company Inc.New York.
  5. Glover, D.M and B.D. Hames. 1989. Genes and Embryos. IRL. Press. Oxford.
  6. Muller, W.A. 1997. Development Biology. Springer. New York.
35 4 Mandatory MPB 3119 Evolusi 2 Show

This study encompasses a comprehensive overview of the theory of evolution, including its definition, historical context in The Origin of Species, development, and ongoing debates. It addresses key concepts such as Charles Darwin's perspective on descent with modification, adaptation, and natural selection. Furthermore, it examines the scientific evidence supporting evolution, which includes the fossil record, homology, and biogeography. The discussion extends to the history of life on Earth, population evolution, and variation, as well as the mechanisms driving these processes, such as mutation, the Hardy-Weinberg principle, genetic drift, gene flow, natural selection, and sexual selection. Additionally, it explores concepts such as diploidy, balancing selection, the origin of species, species concepts, speciation, adaptive radiation, phylogeny, and the tree of life. Finally, it considers the evolution of biodiversity across various domains, including microbes, fungi, plants, and animals.

  1. Campbell NA. Reece JB, Mitchell LG. 2017. Biology 11thed. Pearson Education Inc. New York.
  2. Futuyma DJ. 2005. Evolution. Sinauer Associates Inc. Publishers. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A.
36 4 Mandatory MPB 3120 Sistematika Phanerogamae 3 Show

This study provides an overview of the fundamental principles of taxonomy and biosystematics, including the historical development of these fields. It discusses the concept of a taxon, the taxonomic hierarchy, and the significance of variation, phytogeography, and speciation. Additionally, it addresses plant nomenclature, the diversity of taxa, and the kinship relationships among them, as well as their connections to other scientific disciplines. The text further explores the characteristics of various plant families, specifically within the Gymnospermae and Angiospermae groups, including Dicotyledoneae, Dialypetalae, Monochlamidaeae, Sympetalae, and Monocotyledoneae, along with examples of representative species or those of particular interest. Furthermore, it outlines methods for plant collection and the preparation of herbarium specimens, as well as the basics of key arrangement and the utilization of determination keys.

  1. Lawrence, GHM. 1964. Taxonomy Vasculer Plant. The McaMilan Company. NY
  2. Stace, CA. 1979. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. Edward Arnold a Division Holder Stoughton. London
  3. De Vogel. EV. 1987. Manual of Herbarium Taxonomy. Theorie & Practice. Rijkherbarium. Leiden.
  4. Tjitrosoepomo,G. 1988. Taksonomi Tumbuhan.Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
37 4 Mandatory MPB 3121 Sistematika Vertebrata 3 Show

This course discusses the evolution and diversity of vertebrates, focusing on their phylogeny and classification. It also covers zoogeography and the characteristics, identification, and classification of various vertebrate groups, including Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia.

  1. Cobert, E.H., 1991, Evolution of the Vertebtates, John Wiley and Sons, NewYork.
  2. Jamieson, B.G.M 1991, Fish Evolution and Systematics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  3. MacKinnnon J., 1999, Seri Panduan Lapangan Burung-Burung di Sumatera, Jawa, Bali dan Kalimantan, LIPI, Birdlife, Bogor.
  4. Rogers, E. 1986, Looking at Vertebtara, Longman, Essex.
  5. Vaughan, 1986, Mammalogy, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelpia.
  6. Zug, R.G. 1993, Herpetology, An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles, Academic Press, San Diego.
38 4 Mandatory MPB 3124 Biologi Konservasi 2 Show

This study delineates the definitions, objectives, responsible and the relevant regulations and legislation pertaining to natural resource management. It addresses various environmental issues, including population dynamics, economic implications, advancements in science and technology, the internalization of external costs, and the categorization of resources as integral components of the environment. The discussion encompasses both biological and non-biological natural resources, as well as artificial natural resources. Furthermore, it explores modeling techniques for natural resource management and examines the patterns of approaches within the system of natural resource management, with a particular focus on non-biological natural resources, waste management, and the conservation of natural resources.

  1. Cochrane, M. A. 2009. Tropical fire ecology: climate change, land use, and ecosystem dynamics, Chichester, UK;New York;Berlin;, Springer
  2. Hannah, L. 2011. Climate Change Biology. California, Elsevier
  3. Hunter Jr, M. L. & Gibbs, J. P. 2007. Fundamentals of Conservation Biology, Victoria, Australia, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  4. Levin, S. A. 2013. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, San Diego, Academic Press
  5. Primarck, R. B. 2006. Essentials of Conservation Biology, Massachusetts, U.S.A, Sinauer Associates, Inc.
  6. Pullin. 2002. Conservation Biology. New York, Cambridge University Press
  7. Sodhi, NS & Ehlirch, PR. 2010. Conservation biology for all. New York, Oxford University Press Inc.
  8. Wiratno, Indriyo, D., Syarifudin, A. & Kartikasari, A. 2004. Berkaca di Cermin Retak: Refleksi Konservasi dan Implikasi bagi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional, Jakarta, The Gibbon Foundation – Departemen Kehutanan-Forest Press – PILI NGO Movement
39 4 Elective MPB 2238 Biokimia Tumbuhan 2 Show

This subject encompasses primary metabolic processes in plants and their outcomes, secondary metabolic processes and their implications, terpenoids (including both essential oils and non-essential oil terpenoid compounds), alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, qualitative and quantitative biochemical methods, as well as other significant natural compounds.

  1. Dewick, P. M. 2009. Medical Natural Products: A Biosynthesis Approach, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester.
  2. Leland J. Cseke, Ara Kirakosyan, Peter B. Kaufman, Sara L. Warber, James A. Duke, and Harry L. Brielmann, 2006, Natural Products from Plants. Second Edition. Taylor & Francis Group. CRC Press. Boca Raton.
  3. Garrett, R. H and C.M. Grisham. 2009. Biochemistry. 5nd edition. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. Virginia Gandjar, I. G dan A. Rohman. 2008. Kimia Farmasi Analisis. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta
  4. Harborne, J.B. 1987. Metode Kimia (terjemahan Kosasih Padmawinata dan Iwang Sudiro). Penerbit ITB. Bandung.
  5. Corrado Tringali, 2004, Sources Isolation, characterisation and biological Properties. Taylor & Francis Inc. New York.
  6. Robinson, T. 1995. Kandungan Organik Tumbuhan Tinggi. Edisi Keenam. Terjemahan oleh Kosasih Padmawinata. ITB Press. Bandung.
40 4 Elective MPB 2280 Protozoologi 3 Show

This course provides an in-depth examination of the systematics of the Protozoa group, exploring their ecological roles as primary producers within food chains, their contributions to geological formations, and their implications for health. Additionally, the course covers various aspects of Protozoan biology, including morphology, reproduction, fertilization, motility, behavior, and nutrition, as well as an introduction to the taxonomy of representative members of the Protozoa.

  1. Anderson, O. R. (2013). Comparative Protozoology: Ecology, Physiology, Life History. Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 
  2. Grell, K. G. (2013). Protozoology. Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  3. Sood, R. (2019). Textbook of Human Parasitology: Protozoology and Helminthology. India: CBS PUB & DIST PVT Limited INDIA.
  4. Soulsby, E.J.L. (2004). Helminthes Arthropods & Protozoa Of Domestic Animals (7Th Edition). India: Elsevier (A Divisionof Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Limited).
41 4 Elective MPB 2281 Nematologi 3 Show

This course examines the diversity and biological characteristics of nematodes, as well as their ecological functions and significance. It covers the morphological and biological traits of nematodes, including plant-parasitic forms, free-living species, and those that parasitize animals. Additionally, the course explores the functional roles of nematodes, their potential as bioindicators, and the biological and ecological aspects associated with them. Furthermore, it addresses the challenges and opportunities related to sustainable ecosystem management in the context of nematode research.

  1. Maggenti, A. 1981. General Nematology. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York.
  2. Schmidt-Rhaesa, A. 2014. Handbook of Zoology (Gastrotricha, Cycloneuralia and Gnathifera) Volume 2: Nematoda. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
  3. Dropkin,V.H. 1989.Introduction to Plant Nematology (Second Edt). John Wiliy & Sons. Inc.All Right Reserved.
  4. Lee, Donald L, ed. 2010. The biology of Nematodes. London: Taylor & Francis
  5. Castilla, P & Vovlas, N. 2007. Pratylenchus (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae): Diagnosis, Biology, Pathogenicity and Management. Series: Nematology Monographs and Perspectives, Volume: 6 Brill. Leiden-Boston.
42 4 Elective MPB 3149 Parasitologi 3 Show

This course provides an in-depth examination of the definition and scope of parasitology, emphasizing its nature as a multidisciplinary science. The curriculum encompasses the study of various groups of parasites, including protozoa, nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, and arthropods. Specifically, it covers intestinal parasitic protozoa, blood and tissue parasitic protozoa, intestinal and tissue parasitic nematodes, intestinal and tissue parasitic cestodes, as well as intestinal and liver parasitic trematodes and blood parasitic trematodes. Additionally, the role of arthropods as disease agents and vectors for parasites will be explored.

  1. Brown, H.W. 1989. Dasar-Dasar Parasitologi Klinis. Edisi ke-3. Penerbit PT. Gramedia.
  2. Garcia, L.S. & Brukcner,D.A. 1996. Diagnostik Parasitologi Kedokteran. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.
  3. Gillespics, S.H.P.M. Hawkey. 1994. Medical Parasitology: Practical Approach. Oxford University Press, New York.
  4. Levine, N.D. 1990. Parasitologi Veteriner. Gadjah Mada University Press,Yogyakarta
  5. Mehlhorn, H. 1998. Parasitology in Focus, Facts and Trend. Springer-Verlog, Berlin Heidenberg New York.
  6. Schmidt, G.D. & L.S. Robert. 2000. Foundation of Parasitology.McGraw –Hill, Mexico City New Delhi Seoul Singapore. Emil Salim.1988. Pembangunan Berwawasan Lingkungan.LP3ES, Jakarta.
43 4 Elective MPB 3150 Entomologi 3 Show

This course examines the methodologies involved in the sampling, identification, collection, and preservation of insects. It encompasses the study of insect morphology, anatomy, and physiology, as well as the classification of both Apterygota and Pterygota insects. Additionally, the course addresses insect behavior and ecology, the anatomy and physiology of the insect digestive system, the circulatory system, and the coordination system. Furthermore, it includes an exploration of insect development, case presentations, projects, and the integration of guest lectures on pertinent themes.

  1. Borror, D.J., Triplehorn, C.A dan N.F. Johson. 1992. Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga. Edisi 6. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
  2. Chapman, R.F. 1998. The Insects: Structure and Function. 4th ed. Cambridge University Press
  3. Daly, H.V., Doyen, J.T. and P.R. Ehrlich. 1978. Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity. Mac. Graw-Hill. Inc. New York.
  4. Gillott, C. 2005. Entomology. 3rd ed. Springer. Netherland
  5. Gullan, P.J. and Cranston, P.S. 2010. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology. 4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell. A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Publication. Malaysia
  6. Klowden, M.J. 2007. Physiologial Systems in Insects. 2nd ed. Academic Press. Elsevier. Amsterdam.
  7. Metcalf, R.L. and Luckman, W.H. 1994. Introduction to Insect Pest Management. 3rd ed. A Wiley-Interscience Publication. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York
  8. Pyenson, I.L and H.E. Barke. 1981. Laboratory Manual for Entomology and Plant Pathology. 2nd ed. The Avi Publishing Co.Inc.
  9. Romoser, W.S. 1973. The Science of Entomology. Mac.Millan Publishing Co.Inc. New York.
  10. Sastrodihardjo, S. 1979. Pengantar Entomologi Serangga. Penerbit ITB. Bandung.
  11. Schowalter, T.D. 2011. Insect Ecology: An Ecosystem Approach. 3rd ed. Academic Press. Elsevier. Amsterdam. Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia
44 4 Elective MPB 2264 Genetika Populasi 2 Show

This course examines the principles of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, focusing on the calculation of gene and allele frequencies within a population. It addresses the concepts of dominant and codominant alleles, gene pools, genetic drift, effective population size, non-random mating, inbreeding, mutation, selection, and migration. Additionally, the course explores the changes in gene and allele frequencies resulting from mutation, selection, and migration, as well as the variation of quantitative traits and DNA polymorphism.

  1. Falconer, D.S. 1983. Quantitative Genetics Problems. Longman. Hongkong.
  2. Hamilton MB. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell. West Sussex
  3. Hartl,D.L. 1987. A Primer of Population Genetics. Sinauer Associate, Inc. Sunderland Massachusets.
45 4 Elective MPB 2263 Genetika Tumbuhan 2 Show

This course encompasses a comprehensive examination of various topics related to plant genetics. It includes an exploration of plant genes, advancements in plant genetics research, and the structural organization of plant genomes, including the eukaryotic nuclear genome, mitochondrial genome, and chloroplast genome. Additionally, the course addresses genome organization in plants, reproductive biology, and the plant life cycle. Key subjects such as the regulation of sexual expression and crossing, incompatibility systems, male sterility, and extranuclear (cytoplasmic) inheritance are also covered. Furthermore, the course delves into the evolution of cultivated plants, centers of origin and diversity, plant resource genetics, and the analysis of plant genetic diversity. Topics related to the inheritance of quantitative traits, genetic improvement of plants, selection methods, backcrossing, line development, in vitro selection, and somatic hybridization are integral components of the curriculum.

  1. Acquaah G. 2007. Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding. Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  2. Allard, R.W. 1999. Principles of Plants Breeding.John Willey and Sons. New York.
  3. Griffith AJF, Wessler SR, Lewontin RC, Gelbart WM, Suzuki DT, Miller JH. 2005. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis Eighth Edition. WH Freeman & Co
  4. Gardner, E.J., M.J. Simmon and D.P, Snustad. 1991. Principles of Genetics. John Willey and Sons.New York.
46 4 Elective MPB 2268 Biologi Laut 3 Show

This course provides an overview of the climate and marine environment, encompassing topics such as marine geomorphology, tides, waves, ocean currents, and the physical and chemical characteristics of marine ecosystems. It also examines the diversity of marine plankton, primary productivity, and the various forms of marine flora, including algae and angiosperms. Additionally, the course focuses on marine invertebrates, with particular attention to their adaptations, reproductive strategies, and feeding behaviors, as well as nekton, the diversity of reptiles and seabirds, and marine mammals. Furthermore, it explores coral reef ecosystems, intertidal ecosystems, the impact of marine invasions, and conservation efforts within these environments.

  1. Hutabarat, S dan SM Evans, 1990, Pengantar oseanografi.
  2. Man and Lazier, 1995, Dynamic marine ecosystem.
  3. Nybakken, 1986, Biologi laut; suatu pengantar ekologi, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
  4. Parson and Takashi, 1996, Oceanografi process.
  5. Steele J.H., Thorpe S.A., Turekian K.K, 2009. Marine Biology. Elsevier Academic Press.