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Biology Study Program Graduate For The Graduation Period I Of The Academic Year 2024/2025.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Tanjungpura University conducted the graduation ceremony for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees for the first period of the 2024/2025 academic year on Monday, October 21, 2024, at the Kalimantan Ballroom of the Aston Hotel in Pontianak. The Biology Department conferred degrees upon 40 students, who were recognized as graduates during the Tanjungpura University Graduation Ceremony for the first period of the 2024/2025 academic year, scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday. Among these graduates, five students from the Biology Department received the distinction of "Cumlaude". These distinguished graduates are Aotza Lisandra, Heraldus Ivo Arinendo Nainggolan, Febri Falia Wati, Fety Fajriati, and Kesha Purwaning Sari. This honor was awarded to them for achieving a Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) exceeding 3.51, with a study duration of less than five years. The graduation ceremony, attended by the Head and Secretary of the Biology Department, is notable for the significant number of Biology graduates it celebrated, serving as a point of pride for the academic community, particularly within the Biology Department of FMIPA UNTAN. The graduating Biology students are encouraged to further enhance their competencies, particularly in the field of Biology or related disciplines, to enable them to contribute effectively to society and to enter the professional workforce. It is anticipated that these graduates will actively engage in fostering future collaborations and will pursue careers aligned with the competencies expected of graduates from the Biology Study Program, as well as consider advancing their education at the postgraduate level.

The Biology Department extends its congratulations to the 40 new graduates in Biology. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and encourage you to engage in the activities of the Biology Alumni Association and the UNTAN Tracer Study.